
As we enter the second year of working with Myo-Band, we wanted to share some of the exciting work and results we’ve delivered so far.


Myo-Band is represented by athletes, such as the World’s Strongest Man 2017, Eddie Hall; bodybuilding legend and current Arnold Classic Mr China, 75 kg Champion Master, Lin Pei Qui and championship rugby teams, HK RFC Sparkles and Quakes, to name but a few.


The brief

When Myo-Band approached Brisk Agency they wanted to grow and develop their brand, which was in its infancy, through tailored digital marketing techniques. We took over their incumbent website and devised a digital marketing strategy that was based on deep-dive analysis, competitor research and our extensive e-commerce experience.

Key challenges

  • The existing website was basic and not set up to provide the best experience across all device types, e.g. mobiles and tablets
  • There was no past campaign data to work with and explore
  • We had to track our impact, minus any campaigns involving influencer and brand ambassador, Eddie Hall
  • There was no long-term marketing plan and all promotional activity was ad-hoc


Our approach

As with all of our successful client relationships, we encourage regular communication and transparent feedback to make sure we’re delivering on our outputs. We have regular face-to-face check-ins with the Myo-Band team and keep each other updated daily via WhatsApp and email.


More specifically, we’ve delivered on their brief by:

  • Building a customer profile that was based on data from Myo-Band’s past customers and used it to create a plan for growing and scaling the brand’s target personas
  • Setting up unique tracking links for Eddie Hall and a number of other key influencers
  • Using our data insight to establish a number of lookalike audiences on social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, and used this to target new customers
  • Adding the Facebook re-marketing pixel to the website and then targeting those who’d visited the site with a social media advertising campaign
  • Arranging a content day with Eddie Hall, which resulted in us building a bank of new images and valuable video content
  • Using this raw content to create a long-term content plan and creative content schedule that’s regularly posted across the brand’s social media channels
  • Redesigning and rebuilding a new website that would attract new visitors and provide a better online experience overall
  • Redefining all of Myo-Band’s online touchpoints and implementing a marketing strategy that includes ads, email marketing, influencers and strategic partnerships



This is what we’ve achieved so far:

  • Since working with Brisk Agency, Myo-Band’s e-commerce revenue has consistently grown month-on-month
  • Their website conversion rate has significantly grown too, resulting in them celebrating their highest sales month ever in January 2020!
  • Collaboration with influencer and brand partner, Eddie Hall, (plus others) has gone from strength-to-strength, thanks to the rich content that’s been leveraged by large third party social media audiences
  • Myo-Band’s owned social media following and audience engagement across all major channels has significantly increased too
  • Their social media activity now accounts for up to 40% of their overall brand traffic
  • Their Instagram following has rocketed by more than 300%
  • Their company Instagram account now receives more than 10,000 profile visits a week, as a result of their successful advertising and influencer partnerships
  • Their new subscription services and customer retention initiatives have been successfully launched and have resulted in retained long-term customer revenue commitments
  • We’ve built so many successful campaigns for new products launches, new brand announcements and new product flavours!
  • The business continues to grow and their brand exposure continues to rapidly rise by the month
  • Social ad revenue has become the most cost effective marketing method, generating significant returns earned for each pound spent on social advertising
  • Myo-Band’s email marketing campaigns have delivered higher increased revenues per email send, plus higher customer engagement right across the board

Next steps

We’re continuously investing new ideas and techniques into Myo-Band’s campaigns to make sure they continue to be a huge success.


We provide weekly/monthly reporting that showcases the campaign metrics – these stats enable us to keep pushing ahead by informing our next move and allowing us to make calculated recommendations that generate a tangible ROI.